School Meals & Recess
What meals will my Kindergarten and 1st-3rd grade child eat in school?
Breakfast is optional for Kindergarten and Grades 1-3.
Lunch, Kindergarten and Grades 1-3:
You can send your child with a lunch.
Your child can get free hot or cold lunch in school.
What do I need to know about recess for Kindergarten and Grades 1-3?
There is playtime for thirty minutes after lunch.
Make sure your child has the proper clothing to play outdoors.
Label outdoor clothing (hats, gloves, boots) with your child's name.
In cases of inclement or cold weather, the children have recess indoors.
How do we ensure safety during recess?
Teachers and recess aides supervise the children.
Children are expected to follow the recess rules:
Play safely.
Listen to the adults.
Keep hands to self.
No touching of rocks, sticks or sand.
No fighting, name-calling or inappropriate touching.
Children who disobey rules are subject to disciplinary action.