Arrival & Dismissal
How long is the school day?
Kindergarten and Grades 1-3 (8:05 A.M. - 2:25 P.M.)
It is vital that your child be in school on time.
What if I want to drive my child to school?
- Arrive on time.
- Do not block bus lanes.
- Park in the lot.
- Escort your child to the main office.
Why is good attendance important?
- It is vital for learning.
- It teaches responsibility.
- It is the law.
What if my child must be absent?
- Call school.
- Send an absence note upon return with:
- child's name
- teacher's name
- date(s) of the absence
- reason for absence.
For an extended absence due to illness, call the school for alternate learning.
How can I get my child's work due to absence?
- Call the main office in the morning.
- Arrange for work to be sent home with a sibling or neighbor.
- Arrange for work to be left in the main office for you to pick up at the end of the day.
What if my child is absent due to a vacation?
This is not advisable and it is not legal.
What do I need to know about dismissal?
- All children wait for their buses on bus lines monitored by teachers.
- They are escorted onto the bus and seated safely.
- Children can only ride on their assigned buses.
- Alternate transportation arrangements must be cleared with East Ramapo Central School District (ERCSD) Transportation.
What if I have to pick up my child at school?
- Send a note to your child's teacher.
- Come to the main office to sign out your child.
- Be at school on time.
With no note, your child will be sent home on his or her regular bus.
What if my child goes to day care?
- Inform us of any day care arrangements.
- Fill out the green Day Care Form.
- To arrange for transportation to or from a day care provider, call (845) 577-6490.
Alert the main office of any changes.
What do I need to know about early dismissal?
- Please check the school calendar for specific dates.
- Alert your day care provider to the schedule.
- Notes will be sent home regarding early dismissal.