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School Nurse

From the Desk of the School Nurse

Please review the rules and regulations that govern the Nurse's Office to help ensure quality health services for your child.


  1. No medication may be brought to school by a child.
  2. No medication will be sent home with a child.
  3. All medications must be delivered in a pharmacy-labeled bottle.
  4. All medicine must be accompanied by a doctor's note and written permission from a parent or guardian.

Medication means any prescription or over-the-counter drug, including vitamins, any type of eye drops, cough drops, chap stick, creams or lotions, Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, etc.

These are New York State Education Department regulations established for the purpose of protecting your child from incorrect or accidental use of medication.  This also has the additional benefit of teaching respect and responsibility for any drug.

Student's vision and hearing are screened as per New York State Guidelines. If a problem is found, a referral will be sent home via the student or mail. Please make an appointment to have your child evaluated by a physician and promptly return the completed form to the School Nurse.

During a serious illness or accident, we must be able to communicate with you as quickly as possible.  It is imperative we have an emergency card on file with accurate home and work numbers .  If we do not have adequate emergency numbers on file, we would have to contact the police in the event of an illness or injury.

New York State Law requires that all students be fully immunized.  Students from out of state have no more than thirty days to provide proof of immunization. If a student does not comply they will be excluded from school.

All Kindergarten, first and third grade as well as new students must submit a medical examination form from their private physician, dated and stamped.  Any child not submitting a form will be examined by our school physician.  This regulation has been established by the New York State Education Department.  You will be notified when your child is scheduled to be seen by the school physician and later told of any problem that needs further investigation by your private physician.

You can reach me at (845) 577-6170 x5303 should you have any further questions, comments or concerns. 

Wishing you and your family a healthy year ahead.